Custom Online Database Applications

Using TeamDesk Online Database

The Challenge

Most companies are using multiple software applications daily. Everything from specialised programs for a specific task, to multiple spreadsheets for tracking various projects. Keeping things flowing involves a lot of juggling and work-arounds.  Employee training is problematic and oftentimes only one person knows how to do various processes. The loss of productivity is high.

The Solution

A custom data application will solve the issues. The application integrates your key buisness practices in one place, minimizing data entry and building checks and balances into your process. It makes work smoother for everyone and keeps a logical flow to how everything is done.  More importantly it eliminates data double entry!

Improve YOUR Productivity …
… anywhere you need to work.

Mobile Ready

At home, the office, Starbucks, the airport, aw’ heck even the nearest Walmart Parking lot!

Built for your unique process

Every buisiness is different, We make a system that is as unique as you, to do what you need it to do in the order you need it done.

Monitor Everything in One place

See how each department is doing as they are doing it. No need to check various different applications. Integration can bring everything together for you!

Pinnacle Senior Placements Case study

Pinnacle Senior Placements

Pinncacle is an company that helps seniors find specialised care homes when they are no longer able to live on their own.


They have used TeamDesk for their operational needs from day one. Most everything they do is managed by one system.


Clients are tracked from the initial intake to the day they move into their new home. This assures that nothing is missed.

Company Tasks

Company and individual employee tasks are tracked.  Everyone knows what they need to do and when it needs to be done.

Shared Contacts

Company Contacts are shared to all employees. Making it easy for everyone to work with any part of the process.

Billing, Employee HR,  Notifications, Reports.  The list is extensive and growing constantly.  As the company expands into new areas, it is easy to add more functionality to there operations system.  It is easy for employees to learn and use because each part is created with the same tools and familiar.

Employee Hiring Data Application Case Study

Online Ad

If you’ve ever posted online to hire an employee then you know your responses can often number in the hundreds or even thousands.

Full Mailbox

Now you have an inbox full of emails and resumes to review. You are looking at hours of work to find the applicants who actually meet your qualifications and really want the job.

The Solution

An online application greatly reduces the number of applicants, immediately weeding out those who are not really serious about working. But that’s not all it does …

The Results

A uniform list of quality applications, each one laid out in an easy-to-read (and compare) format. Better yet a simple algorithm can be applied to score each application based on the amount of effort and detail the person supplied.

Fully Integrated

The job hiring process can be part of your operations system. Using it will be familiar to you and your managers and you would not need to learn an entirely new system.